Graphic Design (including Photography)
New Year's Card 2015 of Synforest Inc. - Graphic Design & Photography (by Yuji Kudo)
Humboldt Penguins (Tokyo Sea Life Park) - フンボルトペンギン(葛西臨海水族園)
New Year's Card 2014 of Synforest Inc. - Graphic Design (by Yuji Kudo)
Mt. Fuji - 富士山
New Year's Card 2013 of Synforest Inc. - Graphic Design & Photography (by Yuji Kudo)
Tokyo Gate Bridge (twilight) - 東京ゲートブリッジ(日没直後)
New Year's Card 2012 of Synforest Inc. - Graphic Design & Photography (by Yuji Kudo)
Togakushi Shrine (Zuishin Gate & Cedar Trees Line) - 戸隠神社(随神門と杉並木)
New Year's Card 2011 of Synforest Inc. - Graphic Design (by Yuji Kudo)
Lake District of England - イギリス湖水地方
New Year's Card 2010 of Synforest Inc. - Graphic Design & Photography (by Yuji Kudo)
Sunset Airport - 空港と夕日